Wednesday, August 26, 2009

materi TIK buat XI

Desain Jaringan

Setelah mengetahui perangkat pendukung untuk membangun sebuah jaringan komputer, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah mendesain jaringan sesuai yang kita perlukan. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah membangun jaringan komputer peer to peer :
1. Langkah 1
Langkah awal dalam membangun jaringan komputer adalah menyiapkan media transmisi dengan kabel UTP
a. Peralatan
1. Sediakan dua (2) buah PC (minimal)
2. Kabel UTP dengan panjang maksimal 100 meter per titik komputer
3. Konektor RJ 45
4. Tang (crimping tools) digunakan untuk penyambungan kabel
5. Kabel tester
6. cutter untuk mengupas pelindung kabel
b. Langkah kerja
1. Kupas masing-masing pelindung ujung kabel agar kabel-kabel kecil yang ada di dalam pelindung terbuka
2. Masukkan ujung-ujung kabel ke konektor RJ-45
Jika anda ingin menggunakan jaringan tipe “Straight” maka urutan warna kabel antara ujung 1 dan ujung 2 adalah sebagai berikut :
Desain Jaringan - TIK SMA N 50 Sedangkan jika anda ingin membuat jaringan dengan tipe Jaringan Cross, maka urutan kabel di ujung A
straight2Sedangkan urutan kabel ujung B :

cross 3. Gunakan krimping tools untuk mengunci ujung kabel RJ-45
2. Langkah 2
Jika kabel telah selesai dipasang sesuai urutan warna, dan proses krimping juga telah dilakakukan, silakan anda tes koneksi ke-dua ujung kabel tersebut dengan Kabel tester. Langkah selanjutnya, silakan anda pasangkan / sambungkan kabel tersebut ke 2 PC yang telah di sediakan. Untuk setting IP Address, caranya : klik kanan pada Shortcut “My Network Place” -> Properties -> klik Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) -> Properties. Masukkan IP ,sebagai contoh untuk PC 1 : sedangkan untuk PC 2 : Untuk subnetmask nya biarkan dalam keadaan default : Jika proses pemberian IP telah selesai, baiknya anda melakukan restart komputer, agar koneksi kedua PC dapat resolve dengan baik. Untuk test apakah kedua PC sudah tersambung atau belum, anda bisa melakukan PING dari command promt. “C:/Ping″ -> dari PC 2 “C:/Ping″ -> dari PC 1 Indikator jika jaringan telah terhubung, adalah : Reply from….. Namun jika belum terhubung, indikatornya adalah : Request time out…(dan silakan anda melakukan pengecekan terhadap langkah2 sebelumnya)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

realized everything was just a lie

hi it's me again, sorry for not posting cause i went to Jogja . my grandfather died on Wednesday, it's really a sad moment. i just can't believe that he had died :'(. anyway i'm going to write my experience in here, so here it goes. you know that the guy who admit to me? if you haven't, read my old post. well he said to me on wednesday that he was mad to me because i told to my friend about it. to me it was the right to do, i mean with girl if a guy admit. girls don't just accept it, well some of them does but not me. the part that really hurt the most was that he said "dil, everything was a lie and i was just joking around, i'm not serious". i said to myself "what? how stupid am i!" i was really on my bad temper. but thankfully i knew his true side. he was a jerk! he doesn't care what he was talking about when admit to me, but i belive that Allah is my witness and i don't know whether he's right wrong. but when the bell rang, it was time to go home and because it's going to be a fasting week, it was a treaditional that we all forgive each other. so i forgive him eventhough my heart was breaking, i'm gonna move on.. :)

Monday, August 17, 2009


it's a pressure in school now, many home works and hectic on test this month. uughh i hate it! it's like killing me slowly haha. the teachers always pushing us around so that we can be smart but they're forcing us, you know :(. the subjects are so hard huhu :'( i can't even stand it. i'm trying my best though, it's giving a headache. i have many problems in my life.

i'm gonna move on and do my best, sorry mom and dad if have dissapoint you! from now on i will give my best shot.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

it's painful

there's this guy, he said he likes me. he doesn't even care he has a girlfriend already, i was shocked and the word that he said to me was "i like you but i love her". how dare he said like that to me?! he thinks that i'm his back up or something :(. well i've been hurt from guys already and i don't wanna be repeated again. ENOUGH! this is the first time that i met a guy like him. he didn't even apologize to me that he said like that. it's ashamed that he's cute but his heart is like a rock! i don't wanna be the blame for messing his relationship. i know who i am. it's clear that he's not the one for me, i thought he was loyal and respectful to girls but deep down he wasn't. now i know how it feels to be the blame and feeling like a pathetic. i realized this is a BIG WORLD and that was a small town and i believe that i will find my prince charming someday! amin ya Allah :).

PS: for girls don't believe what a guy said that he loves you or like you before he is clear what his status are and there will be a prince charming for you all, belive in that :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

for someone who realize..

This is my favorite song by Demi Lovato, she's wrote this song from her heart and shared it to people.. here are the lyrics:

Demi Lovato : Gonna Get Caught Lyrics

You reeled me in with your smile
You made me melt with your voice
Now I've been gone now for a while
Just to find that I'm your seventh choice

And I don't wanna pay the cost
But it'd be best if you get lost
Because we know you'll never change

Don't say that you need me
And don't play these games with my mind
You better get outta my head cause you're wastin' your time
And don't say it's forever
And don't play, cause you had your shot
You better stop messin' around cause you're gonna get caught

You promised me all of your time
I guess I'm not the only one
But see it's my heart on the line this time
I'm your number one or I'm gone

Don't say that you need me
And don't play these games with my mind
You better get outta my head cause you're wastin' your time
And don't say it's forever
And don't play, cause you had your shot
You better stop messin' around cause you're gonna get caught

Go and try to get me back
(You won't get me back, you won't get me back)
I won't forget about our past (I won't forget now)
Never had the guts to leave, now you're making it
(You know you're making it)
Now your making it much easier for me to see

Don't say that you're sorry
For breaking every inch of my heart
I should've known from the start
Now it's time to get lost

And don't say that you need me
And don't play these games with my mind
You better get outta my head cause you're wasting your time
Don't say it's forever
And don't play, cause you had your shot
You better stop messin' around cause you're gonna get caught

You better stop messin' around cause you're gonna get caught