Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Destiny

it started when i was going to grade 11 and my parents was going to take my report card, i was optimistic that i would go to social class. i was so lazy with the science subjects its lame haha but suddenly i saw my report card and it was written that i got SCIENCE CLASS! and i was very very shocked my parents did too lol. i was a bit doubt with my report result but eventually i prayed a lot and asking to my self "is it really true?" or "should i move to social class" and stuff. it was really scary because i wasn't ready enough to go to science class because all the subjects and homework it was "hectic"! and so i thought about it and realize this is my destiny, i would appreciate it with all my heart. insya Allah this is the best choice that i had make for my future amen!

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