Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Risk

going in science class it has many risk that i have to take, such as MANY HOME WORKS! i just can't stand of the teachers in my school giving us many home works to do. they don't even care about our time, it sucks but the fun part is that the students in my class is funny. I'm beginning to adapt but i hope so hehe. I'm in class IPA(means for science) 1. it's a pressure because we always have to behave like science student, we're not allowed to have "fun" and that is my problem. the teachers always said "your in science class now, you have to behave like a science student" or this "you haven't got time to have FUN in science class". it's really a bummer but i hope i can get use to it.

My Destiny

it started when i was going to grade 11 and my parents was going to take my report card, i was optimistic that i would go to social class. i was so lazy with the science subjects its lame haha but suddenly i saw my report card and it was written that i got SCIENCE CLASS! and i was very very shocked my parents did too lol. i was a bit doubt with my report result but eventually i prayed a lot and asking to my self "is it really true?" or "should i move to social class" and stuff. it was really scary because i wasn't ready enough to go to science class because all the subjects and homework it was "hectic"! and so i thought about it and realize this is my destiny, i would appreciate it with all my heart. insya Allah this is the best choice that i had make for my future amen!